Peace Corps Acronyms (PCAs). The Peace Corps isn't the military, but it sure does have a plethora of acronyms to remind you that it's a government organization.

PC - Peace Corps
PO - Placement Office
Admin - Administration Office
PCMO - Peace Corps Medical Officers (we're tight)
SHIT - "Staying Healthy in Togo" (health book)
Motos - Motorcycle taxis

TIT - This Is Togo

PCT - Peace Corps Trainee (first two months)
PCV - Peace Corps Volunteer

CV - Contact Volunteer (I'm a CV for my region)
COS - Close of Service (Ciao Togo!)
RPCV - Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (made it)
E.T. - Early Termination (didn't make it) ET Statistics include approx. 33%
AD SEP - Administrative Separation. Administration decides to send you home for one reason or another. Anything from not wearing your bike or moto helmet, or the rumor of illegal drug use is grounds for an Ad-Sep.
MED SEP - Medical Separation. PCMOs sign off to send a PCV home if a chronic illness or bad accident can't be properly treated in country.

CHAP (Gryffindor) - Community Health and AIDS Prevention
SED (Slytherin) - Small Enterprise Development (phased-out, no longer a program)
NRM - Natural Resource Management
EAFS (Hufflepuff) - Environmental Action and Food Security (title replaced "NRM")
GEE - Girl's Education and Empowerment
EGE (Ravenclaw) - English and Gender Education (title replaced "GEE")

PST - Pre-Service Training

IST - In-Service Training
PDM - Project Design and Management (training with Togolese work counterparts)

MSC - Mid-Service Conference
COSC - Close-of-Service Conference

EMS - Express Mail Service (weekly). PCVs use this service to mail books, care packages, letters, important docs, etc to other PCVs and Admin. 
TOGOCEL - My cellular service provider
ILLICO - My Internet service provider (I buy cards with credit on them to go online. Yes. That's right. So don't waste my time. Wink.)

Special thanks to Maggie McRae and Rebekah Chang for help in completion of this list.

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